Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fitness Rowing Machine Reviews

It's important to read the fitness rowing machine reviews before investing in them. Fitness rowing machine give a complete workout and are high impact cardio vascular machines.

They help in cutting the flab as well as toning the body. The fitness rowing equipment simulate the action of rowing in water (like rowing small boats). Therefore there is exercise for arms, legs and the whole body.

Rowing Machine give washboard abs (or abdomen) and make the butt more clenched.However they have certain disadvantages. They are very pushing for the joints and the knees, thus people who suffer from arthritis of the knees and the joints should avoid it.

Instead they should go in for the low impact cardio vascular machines. Before using the fitness rowers, one should seek the advice of the doctor.

When you get the go ahead from the doctor, you'll find many reviews which can tell you which rowing machine will work the best for you. The fitness rowing machine reviews show the comparison between the various fitness rowers that are available in the market. After you have gone thru a thorough comparison, make the decision to buy the rowing machine.

If done properly and without pushing yourself too far, then this machine is great for a whole body workout. You can use the air rowers both at the gym as well as at home.

The home models are more compact and can be easily folded away under the bed or some such similar way. That's why it's great even for small spaces.

Thus if you are looking for the home versions of the fitness rowing machine, look for a review such that the reviews of the fitness rowers help you in the purchase decision. Ask your gym instructor as well a the personal trainer to give you tips for buying the best fitness rower.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why rowing machines are used in gyms

Some of the oddest machines in the gym are the rowing machines and, although they are somewhat rare, it is not uncommon to see a skiing machine, too.

Many people wonder why these sports have been singled out as being such great exercise – why is there no tennis machine, or swimming machine, for example? The answer is that both rowing and skiing exercise your body in a way that other sports don’t.

If you’ve ever met a rower, you’ll know that they have huge amounts of upper-body strength, and there’s a reason for that. Rowing is, in many ways, the ultimate upper-body exercise, comprehensively exercising your arm and chest muscles.

The situation is much the same with skiing and your legs. Because of all the leaning and balancing that is needed to ski successfully, almost all of your leg muscles get a workout from skiing.

While rowing and skiing machines are no match for the real thing, either in terms of how much fun they are or how effective they are as exercise, they serve a useful purpose, because we can’t all go rowing and skiing every day.

If you use both the rowing and skiing machines in one day, you will get an all-over body workout to more than rival the one you might get on the various weight machines, and the chances are that it will be quicker for you too.

However, with rowing machines especially, you need to be careful about overdoing it. Because rowing tends to feel easier on your muscles than it actually is, it’s tempting to set too-ambitious targets and tire yourself out completely, perhaps even pulling a muscle. For the sake of your health, take it steady, keeping track of how many repetitions you do on the machine on each visit, and gradually increasing, instead of going all-out one day and doing hundreds more than normal.